Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Bred and Owned by Dawn Beck Guye
Bred and Owned by Joshua Taylor
BOV Gabled Oak's Midnight In Paris, Jr Doe, Makenzie Wilson
BOSV The Simple Life 8 Ball, Jr Buck, Joshua Taylor
BOV Hoops Lola, Jr Doe, Maria Gardella Hooper
BOSV Pride Rock's Chocolate Train, Jr Buck, Paige Mentel
BOV The Simple Life Biggie Smalls, Sr Buck, Joshua Taylor
BOSV Lavender Fields Kat, Jr Doe, Ashlyn Guye
BOV Lavender Fields Manhattan, Jr Buck, Ashlyn Guye
BOSV Lavender Fields Spicy, Jr Doe, Ashlyn Guye
BOV Lions and Lilies Luxe, Jr Doe, Sarah Hafer
BOSV Gabled Oak's Poet, Jr Buck, Rhonda Brak
BOV Noble Heir's Aluminum Snow Jr Doe, Racheal Hanson
BOSV Glenwood's The Blue Lagoon, Jr Buck, Alisha Sienkiel
BOV Lavender Fields Madam President Jr Doe, Dawn Beck Guye
BOSV Lavender Fields Bentley, Jr Buck, Ashlyn Guye
Tymeless Farms No Joke , Sable Point Jr Buck, LeAnn Nelson
BEST COLORED & OVERALL Tymeless Farms Lavender Luxury, Tort Doe, LeAnn Nelson
BEST WHITE Ramsey Creek's Tinker Bell, REW Doe, Karen Sterrett
Hoop's Flirt, Tort Sr Doe, Maria Gardella Hooper
Bred and Owned by Brooke Marsh
Bred and Owned by Ada Miller
BOV Wild Acre Wildfire, Jr Buck, Ada Miller
BOSV Jr Doe, Cheyenne Woerndel
BOV Jr Doe, Raedyn Vande Hei
BOSV Suth' N Prides Toby, Jr Buck, Mack Russell
BOV Durham's Bubbles, Sr Buck, Spencer Durham
BOSV Jr Doe, Peyton Cunningham
BOV Steel City Oh My Goth, Sr Doe, Teagan Bowers
BOV L&D's Swisher Sweet, Jr Buck, Lincoln Bowers
BOSV Lavender Fields Peanut Butter, Jr Doe, Adalyn Guye
BOV Lavender Fields Powder Smoke Pearl Jr Doe, Adalyn Guye
BOSV Jr Buck, Charlotte Bartell
BOV Marsh's Clare, Jr Doe, Brooke March
BOSV Jr Buck, Cheyenne Woerndel
Wild Acre Sweet and Spicy, Blue Jr Buck, Ada Miller
BEST Wild Acre Haze, Black Jr Doe, Ada Miller
RESERVE Durham's Bubbles, REW Sr Buck, Spencer Durham
Bred by Ellen Reeves, Woodcrest Farms , Owned by Alisha Sienkiel
JoAnne Statler Memorial Award Guidelines
This class is a prestigious award given each year at our National Show. This award is in honor of JoAnne Statler, who is given credit for importing the Lionheads into the United States in 2000. It is a real honor to win this award for consistency in quality.
It is judged on the overall quality of FOUR Lionheads, sired or produced by a single Lionhead buck or doe.
1) Entries must be included on the exhibitor's NALRC entry form.
2) One Statler entry may be made per person.
3) The class of four animals is considered a single entry made in the name of the sire or dam nominated.
4) The entry designates by name a single Lionhead buck or doe.
5) All Animals entered in this class need to be 3 generation pure bred Lionheads.
6) To be judged on the overall breed quality and consistency of four Lionheads.
7) The four Lionheads can be either sex, or any age - juniors or seniors.
8) The four animals can be of any variety that is eligible to compete for BOB or any variety that is of a COD variety on file with ARBA.
9) All four Lionheads MUST be entered in a regular breed class and be determined to be free of any ARBA general disqualification. Breed specific DQ's such as a lack of separation, are allowable, although the judge will be advised to take these into consideration when evaluating class placements. Any animal having been found to have a general disqualification in the regular show will be ineligible to compete in the Statler Class. Substitutions of DQ'ed animals will be allowed as long as the new animal has also been entered in the regular show, is free of any general DQ, and has available a supporting pedigree proving its lineage to the entry.
10) The four Lionheads do not need to be owned by the person making the entry, BUT permission must be given by the current owner to use an animal in the competition.
11) A rabbit can only be used to represent one of its parents in a given year.
12) The dam or sire do not have to be present and are not considered part of the class.
13) Pedigrees MUST be supplied at check in for all FOUR Lionheads showing same dam or sire.
14) Exhibitors are in charge of getting their own entries on and off the table for the Statler Class
15) It is the responsibility of the award winner to get their plate engraved during the year the award is held and return the award at the next years National Show.