NALRC will issue Lionhead sanctions for the purpose of counting sweepstakes points for Black, Chocolate, REW, Seal , Siamese Sable, Smoke Pearl and Tortoise (all 4 colors), shown at ARBA sanctioned rabbit shows.
There are two ways to confirm your Sanctions!
Sanction Online
If you can use PayPal, use the online form above. Then check your email for the instant confirmation.
Sanction by Mail.
If you are mailing a form and check, please obtain a form by clicking the link above.
IMPORTANT: Please make checks payable to NALRC
Melissa Kmetz
230 Ranch Rd
Loudon, TN 37774
NALRC Sanction Rules
NALRC will offer to Sanction Lionheads at any ARBA Sanctioned Show. The following rules will apply:
- Open Sanction fee is $15.00 and will include a free Youth Sanction, if applicable. Sanction fee for standalone Youth show is $10.00. Fees must accompany sanction request.
- Sanction request can be sent via the above form with PayPal Payment at least 7 days prior to show start. Requests can also be sent through regular mail and must be postmarked 15 days prior to the date of the show. No exceptions.
- NALRC prefers that Sanction Requests be made by the Show Secretary of the sponsoring club. Individuals mailing a Sanction Request must send a copy of their sanction request and payment to the Show Secretary for their records.
- Show report must be filled out and returned by Show Secretary and be postmarked within 45 days of the date of the show.
- Club or Association requesting Sanction MUST be ARBA chartered.
- Show date, Location, Club name and ARBA Sanction number(s) MUST accompany the sanction request.
- Any show that sanctioned Lionheads with none shown will receive a free sanction for their next show if the show was reported within 30 days. Reference the NALRC sanction number for approved credit. The request must be for a show date before the next show year ends on 12/31.
- NALRC will not issue refunds for any reason.
- NALRC will not count points for any sanctioned show in which the payment has been returned unpaid by the bank until all fees are collected.
- Requests are to be sent to the NALRC Sweepstakes Chairperson, Melissa Kmetz 230 Ranch Rd, Loudon, TN 37774
- No sanctions will be issued for Lionhead Specialty shows on the same date as the National Lionhead show. Sanction requests for that date for all-breed shows will only be honored if they are held over 500 miles or more from the National Lionhead show.
- Sanctions will be furnished free of charge for both the annual NALRC National Lionhead show and the ARBA National Convention.